Stateless Thai: Understanding and Addressing the Ethnic Inequity in Wiang Haeng District, Chiang Mai Province

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Thepprawin Chanraeng
Phrakhru Dhammathorn Chaiwichit Jayābhinando (Chaiwichit Sopharat)
Phrakhru Siripariyattayanusath (Duangchan Boonteam)
Panlob Harukhamja
Ponsan Siridechanont
Koranutsumin Techabenjarat


The purposes of this research were 1) to study the lifestyle context of stateless Thai, the ethnic groups in Wiang Haeng District, Chiang Mai Province, 2) to study the problem of inequality among stateless Thai, the Ethnic groups in Wiang Haeng District, Chiang Mai Province and 3) to present, guidelines for the process of addressing Social inequality among ethnic groups. It is aqualitative research utilizing a participatory research approach. It’s data were collected through interviews with 15 key informants, consisting of 11 monks, and 4 persons representing the elderly, community leader, and the general.
The results research were found that:
1. On the lifestyle context of stateless Thai, the ethnic groups in Wiang Haeng District, Chiang Mai Province, the border area adjacent to Myanmar spans thousands of kilometers, leading to an influx of refugees into Thailand due to factors such as armed conflict and food insecurity. At present, Wiang Haeng District is administratively divided into 3 sub-districts and 23 villages; There is a cultural blend between Northern ethnic groups and Thai Yai ethnicities with various minority groups, such as the Chinese Hor, Lisu, and Karen hill tribes.
2. On the problem of inequality among stateless Thai, it is a longstanding issue that cannot be resolved fairly. There are limitations in terms of security and territorial integrity namely: 1) Legal and civil rights issues, 2) Displacement from their Native places, 3) Issues related to nationality verification laws, 4) Problems concerning citizenship cards and other rights and 5) Livelihood and sustenance issues.
3. Guidelines for the process of addressing Social inequality are 1) Strengthening the Buddhist social attitudes with Loving Kindness, 2) Providing education, especially the knowledge of nationality verification laws, 3) Reinforcement the state welfare and develop community welfare models, 4) Improve the laws regarding nationality and citizenship rights of the Thai state, and 5) Developing community networks to address the Ethnic inequality of Stateless Thai.

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How to Cite
Chanraeng, T. ., (Chaiwichit Sopharat), P. D. C. J. ., (Duangchan Boonteam), P. S. ., Harukhamja, P. ., Siridechanont, P. ., & Techabenjarat, K. . (2024). Stateless Thai: Understanding and Addressing the Ethnic Inequity in Wiang Haeng District, Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 1–14. Retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research Article)
Author Biographies

Phrakhru Dhammathorn Chaiwichit Jayābhinando (Chaiwichit Sopharat), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus, Thailand



Phrakhru Siripariyattayanusath (Duangchan Boonteam), Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Chiang Mai Campus, Thailand




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