Needs Assessment for Managing toward the Excellence of Doi Kaeo Community Learning Center, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai Province

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Prakapat Phumphuan
Suban Pornwiang


This research is part of the Guidelines for Managing toward the Excellence of Doi Kaeo Community Learning Center, Chomthong District, Chiang Mai Province. The objectives of this research were: 1) to examine the current situation and desired conditions of management towards excellence of Doi Kaeo Community Learning Center, Chomthong District, Chiang Mai Province, and 2) to study the modified priority needs index of Managing toward the Excellence of Doi Kaeo Community Learning Center, Chomthong District, Chiang Mai Province. It is a quantitative research. The target groups involved 102 participants, including the chairpersons, vice chairpersons, and committee members of the community learning center, with 27 chairpersons and vice chairpersons and 75 committee members research instrument was a questionnaire, which was a 5-level estimator. Analyze the data with the mean, standard deviation, and the modified priority needs index (PNI modified).
The findings are as follows:
1. The overall current state situation of management towards excellence of Doi Kaeo Community Learning Center, Chomthong District, Chiang Mai Province, in all aspects is at a moderate level and the overall desired conditions state overall in all aspects is at the highest level.
2. It was found that Human Resource management had the highest priority needs index (PNI modified = 0.45). Followed by Budget management (PNI modified = 0.43), Management (PNI modified = 0.41), and Resource management (PNI modified = 0.40), respectively.

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How to Cite
Phumphuan, P. ., & Pornwiang, S. . (2024). Needs Assessment for Managing toward the Excellence of Doi Kaeo Community Learning Center, Chom Thong District, Chiang Mai Province. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(3), 75–86. Retrieved from
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