Influence of School Climate and Work Motivation of Teacher on Work Effectiveness of Teacher in the Digital Age under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2

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Preeyaporn Chuensonthipan
Jantarat Phutiariyawat


The purposes of this research were the direct and indirect influences study the direct and indirect influences on the performance effectiveness of teachers in the digital era. The sample used in this study consisted of 361 teachers under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2, determined by the Krejcie and Morgan table. The questionnaire used a 5-level rating scale with a reliability of 0.968. The statistics used for data analysis were linear structural equation modeling (SEM) to examine the consistency between the research model and the empirical data.
The research results found that: The model was consistent with the empirical data, considering the statistical values: Chi-square = 92.48, df = 90, p-value = 0.072, GFI = 0.970, AGFI = 0.950, SRMR = 0.029, RMSEA = 0.025. The variables in the model could explain 60 percent of the variance in the performance effectiveness of teachers in the digital era (R2 = 0.6). The variable with a direct influence on the performance effectiveness of teachers in the digital era was the teachers' work motivation variable, statistically significant at a level of .001. When the teachers' work motivation variable increased, the performance effectiveness of teachers in the digital era variable also increased. Moreover, the school climate variable had an indirect influence on the performance effectiveness of teachers in the digital era variable, statistically significant at a level of .001, with the teachers' work motivation variable as the mediating variable. This indicates that when the school climate variable increased, it would affect the teachers' work motivation variable, leading to an increase in the performance effectiveness.

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How to Cite
Chuensonthipan, P., & Phutiariyawat, J. . (2024). Influence of School Climate and Work Motivation of Teacher on Work Effectiveness of Teacher in the Digital Age under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Bangkok 2. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 24(2), 317–328. Retrieved from
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