The Long Term Care for the Elderly Dependency on Thailand Country 4.0 Era

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Aunchittatha Sirikampeng
Pakdee Phosing


Thailand country 4.0 era had reform the economic structure, which focuses on the use of innovation and technology to helps develop. Trends in aging society are rising around the world. Thailand had entered an aging society since 2548. The elderly of 10.4 population whole country. Elderly people who had a dependency that must have someone helps more 1 million people. The important concepts in caring for the elderly who were dependent on the Thailand 4.0 is PIOEH consist of 1) P = Policy The public policy seriously and contiously. 2) I = Innovation & Technology Focusing on innovation and technology to provide care for the elderly. 3) O = Green Organization The enterprise-friendly for the elderly. 4) E = Elderly The elderly covers all the village and 5) H = Human Resource Development Potential of individuals to the family level. It aims to ensure that public policies are effective and appropriate. Conducive to encouraging innovation and technology to provide long-term elderly care services that are dependent on Thailand 4.0.

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How to Cite
Sirikampeng, A., & Phosing, P. (2017). The Long Term Care for the Elderly Dependency on Thailand Country 4.0 Era. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 17(3), 235–244. Retrieved from
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