A Model Development of Causal Structural Relationship of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Staff Knowledge Management Khonkaen, Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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Phraathikan Boonchuay Chotivongso, Dr.


The objectives of this research were: 1) Development of causal struc tural relation of factors influencing the effectiveness of staff knowledge management in basic education schools in the office of the primary education service area 1 in Khonkaen province, 2) To test the consonance of the model, 3) To study the factors influencing the effectiveness directly and indirectly of the whole effected the knowledge management. The samples in this research were 580 personnels in basic education schools. The instruments where 5.level raiting scale questionnaires with the overall reliability value of 0.97 and the IOC value between 0.85-1.00. Analyzing the data by AMOS computer program.
The research findings were as follows:
1. Development of causal structural relationships of factors influencing the effectiveness of staff knowledge management in basic education schools in the office of the primary education service area 1 in Khonkaen province consisted of 5 latent causal variables and 17 manifest variables. The latent variable was 1 the consequential variable and 5 latent manifest; the total of 28 variables.
2. In testing the fit between factors influencing the effectiveness of knowledge
management of personals in the office of primary educational service area 1 in Khonkaen province which was developed with the empirical data significance (P-value=1.97) significantly at 0.5 margin error, chi-square divided by free degree (X2/df) below or equal 2 (X2/df =1.134) RMSEA = 0.015;. AGFI > 0.90; GFI = 0.982 and AGFI = 0.965.

3. The factors, influencing directly the positive effectiveness to the change
leaders significantly at 0.001 margin error, were culture and organizational atmosphere with the influencing value at .790, the followings: strategy management at .281, knowledge management and ICT = .235 and .082.

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How to Cite
Chotivongso, Dr., P. B. (2017). A Model Development of Causal Structural Relationship of Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of Staff Knowledge Management Khonkaen, Primary Education Service Area Office 1. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 17(1), 73–86. retrieved from https://so06.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/dhammathas/article/view/86644
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