The Strategy for Effective Internal Quality Assurance Management under the Administration of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area 1

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Somkiet Boonsungneon
Suban Muktarakosa
Sangwan Piayura


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the present condition of internal quality assurance management 2) to develop a strategy for effective internal quality The objectives of this research were 1) to study the present condition of internal quality assurance management 2) to develop a strategy for effective internal quality assurance management. 

The research results were found that:

1. The research results of the present condition of internal quality assurance management under the administration of Chaiyaphum primary educational service area 1 were rated at a high level, when considering in each steps, the research results were found that the average highest step was the educational quality assessment followed by the educational quality control and the average lowest step was the educational quality check and when considering in each aspects, the research results were found that it was rated at a high level, the average highest aspect was the internal quality assessment according to educational standard followed by an annual report on quality assessment and continued education quality improvement and the average lowest aspect was conducting plan of education development. 

2. The results of development of effective quality assurance management were found that strategy for effective internal quality assurance management was qualitative triangle or 3Q Model (1.Quality Control 2. Quality Audit

3. Quality Assessment) : AASL consisted of four strategies: The first strategy was Awareness for Quality with 19 indicators, the second strategy was Action Plan with 10 indicators, the third strategy was Supervision and Evaluation with 9 indicators, and the forth strategy was Learning Organization with 6 indicators. The four strategies included total number of 44 indicators.

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How to Cite
Boonsungneon, S., Muktarakosa, S., & Piayura, S. (2018). The Strategy for Effective Internal Quality Assurance Management under the Administration of Chaiyaphum Primary Educational Service Area 1. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 17(3), 223–236. Retrieved from
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