Strategies for Proactive Buddhism Propagation of Thai Sangha in Present Time

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Phrakru Kosit Sanghapitak


This article aims to study the strategies for Buddhism propagation of Thai Sangha at present, found that, to use modern media methods applied Buddhism propaganda methods to propagate aggressively. It is understandable and accessible with the use of modern online media. The propagation should be proactive style, It had applied to different diversity society. The doctrine must be changed in any situation and does not adhere with original model, but it must be applied for appropriate situation that happened as the social media online doctrine propagation, have network system of Thai Sangha and become Buddhism social network online such as people can study in everywhere and all time, that is the model of Buddhism propagation in the world for permanent progress.

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How to Cite
Sanghapitak, P. K. (2017). Strategies for Proactive Buddhism Propagation of Thai Sangha in Present Time. Dhammathas Academic Journal, 17(3), 211–224. Retrieved from
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