“From Almshouse to Pirson”: On Value and Rehabilitation for the Offenders through the social workers profession in criminal justice


  • Parinya Wanlem Phibulsongkram Rajabhat University


Value, Rehabilitation, Social Worker Profession, Criminal Justice


This article aims to describe the position of the social work profession in the criminal justice. It covers the background, principles, thinking and scope of social work medthodology which are important to support and promote social justice. And social change Both in the way of working with "users", which means including individuals, families, groups, organizations and communities. Social workers are sensitive to cultural diversity, ethnicity and strive to end discrimination, right protection, oppression, poverty and other forms of social injustice The framework for the performance of social work in the justice process It is an important part of the ministry of justice. This reflects the importance of social work aimed at supporting and reduce social disparities. This is a work under a judicial framework aimed at remediation and restoration of damage instead of punishment, and sees crime control as a community duty. Which can apply a pattern suitable for the social and cultural conditions of each area, which is a challenge in the modern justice process.


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Journal of Local Management and Development Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University Vol 1 No 1 2021


