Public Administration: the historical development and trend of studies in public administration


  • ธรณินทร์ เสนานิมิตร วิทยาลัยการจัดการและพัฒนาท้องถิ่น มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎพิบูลสงคราม


public administration, historical development studies of public administration, Trend of public administration in the future


This article has objectives to review the historical development studies of public administration includes presenting the direction and trend of studying. To show the beginning of studies and concepts which use to explain the public administrative phenomena to dynamic develop.

           So, the historical development of public administration has evolved by academic discussion and argument the three eras. The first era was begun before world war two (1887-1926 A.D). The concepts and theories of public administration were developed and focus on administrative principles for adaptation to increase efficiency operations of the public sector. The second era occurred after world war two (1945-1970 A.D.) the concepts and theories were being argument and change the focus of studies to public policy, comparative public administration and behavioral organization theories. The third era occurred in 1970 to 2008 A.D. the public administration was reconsidered the identity of science. It brings to the new public administration, which focuses on the administration relative change management and the public issues in macro level.

           In the present, the studies of public administration expanded to contemporary issues. And in the future trend of public administration studies will be adapted from the way of development. Especially the digital industrial development era, it will be focused on using digital technology and innovation creation for public administration.


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