Expression Freedom, Self and Social Space of Cosplayer


  • Araya Bamrungsin Student in Social Development, Department of Sociology and Anthropology Faculty of Social Sciences at Naresuan University.
  • Boonyanuch Mian-iam Student in Social Development, Department of Sociology and Anthropology Faculty of Social Sciences at Naresuan University.
  • Phitsanu Aphisamacharnyothin Lecturer, Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Faculty of Social Sciences at Naresuan University.


Cosplayer, Self, Expression Freedom, Social Space


This research aims to 1) study self-construction of cosplayer, 2) study the social space of cosplayer, 3) study expression freedom of cosplayer, 4) study challenges, barriers,  and responses of the cosplayer. The key informants were 9 cosplayers. The research instrument was a semi-structured interview. The results showed that cosplayers in Muang District, Phitsanulok Province. Had two types of self-construction included individual Self that was as same as most people in society, and the cosplay self. That had been construation through the costumes. Therefore, the expression freedom of a cosplayer in Muang District, Phitsanulok Province has limited. As a result, the cosplayers has to find new areas to express themselves which includeed both real space and online space. Besides, cosplayer's freedom of expression was greater than in the past, but, it still viewed by outsiders as strange and had depression within the cosplay society. The cosplayers costume still facing with various barriers and challenges. Most of challenges come from family members and often from friends or close people. Therefore, the cosplayer group had to deal with these barriers and challenges.


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