Attitudes and Behavior of FACEBOOK that Expressing sexual violence of Adolescents.


  • อภิญญา โสมา คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


Attitude, Behavior using Facebook, sexual violence





          The objectives of this research were 1) to study adolescents' attitude towards FACEBOOK using that expressing sexual violence, 2) to study FACEBOOK using behavior of adolescent that expressing sexual violence, 3) to study relations between attitudes and behavior of FACEBOOK using that expressing sexual violence Research using quantitative research methodology The samples were 377 undergraduate students studying in 1-4 years of a university in Phitsanulok Province which sampling by using stratified random. The researcher used questionnaires as a tool for data collection and analysis by using statistics of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation ,and Pearson correlation coefficient The results found that the samples had attitude towards Facebook using that expressing sexual violence in a moderate level ( = 2.60) and had Facebook using behavior that expressing sexual violence in a low level ( = 1.88). The relation analysis found that attitude towards Facebook using that expressing sexual violence had positive relation to Facebook using behavior that expressing sexual violence at .01 significance level (r = 0.516)

Keywords : attitude, FACEBOOK using behavior, sexual violence


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