Attitudes and Violence Behaviors Towards LGBTQ in Thai Society : Case Study in Muang District, Phitsanulok Province.



  • พงศกร กลับทุ่ง คณะสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยนเรศวร


Attitude,  Violence Behavior,  LGBTQ



          This research aims to 1) study the attitude of people in Phitsanulok Province towards LGBTQ. 2) study the violence behaviors towards LGBTQ, and 3) to study the relationship between attitudes and violent behaviors towards LGBTQ by conducting a study with the population in Muang District. Phitsanulok Province. Researcher using quantitative research methods which collected data by using questionnaires. The samples were 360 people aged 20-29 years that sampling by multistage random. The data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson correlation coefficient. The results found that the samples had a low level of inappropriate attitude towards LGBT (= 2.15) and had a low level of violence behavior towards LGBTQ (= 1.96). The relation analysis found that attitude had related to violence behavior at .01 significant level (r = 0. 800). Therefore, it should be promoted or encouraged the appropiriately attitudes towards LGBTQ because it will help to reduce violence behavior to wards LGBTQ.




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