Human development with core competencies in the 21st century


  • marisa anantrawan มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม


Human development, Potential, competencies in the 21st century


This article is an attempt to use the concept of competency in the 21st century as an important foundation for developing potential. This is in order to prepare in every way and must change yourself a lot to live smoothly in society. And have real happiness Especially must be someone who works for knowledge And is a person of learning Regardless of any profession in the 21st century, must be a person of learning. By being enthusiastic Always interested in seeking knowledge Strive to increase efficiency In learning and able to apply knowledge to work Even with a proper career in any field Which will be a way to understand, access, and develop students In order to maximize benefits for oneself, society and the nation


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