The Behavior of Nightlife Entertainment of Undergraduate Students of a University in Phitsanulok Province


  • Nareusorn Jinwan Naresuan University


Night Entertainment, Nightlife Behavior, Attitude, Social Support


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the attitudes towards night entertainment venues of undergraduate students of a university in Phitsanulok province; 2) to study the social support related to nightlife venues of undergraduate students of a university.  3) to study the behavior of nightlife entertainment among undergraduate students of a university in Phitsanulok and 4) to study the relationship between attitudes  Social support and night entertainment behavior of undergraduate students of a university in Phitsanulok Province  using quantitative research  The sample consisted of 378 undergraduate students of a university in Phitsanulok, aged 20 years and over, using multistage randomization.  The researcher used the questionnaire as a data collection machine and analyzed the data using average statistics.  standard deviation, frequency, percentage, and Pearson's correlation coefficient.            The results showed that the sample group had a high level of attitude towards night entertainment (= 3.83), social support from friends at a high level (= 4.15, S.D. = 0.873), social support.  From the family at the low level (= 1.92), the behavior of nightlife entertainment was at the high level (= 3.77), and the attitude and social support were positively correlated with the nightlife entertainment behavior significantly.  statistically at the .01 level (r = 0.727, 0.727 and 0.167, respectively).


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