

  • กมลกรกช ยศตุ้ย มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏพิบูลสงคราม


Adaptability, Persistence, Tricycle occupation


The purpose of this research was to study the dynamics, adaptation and persistence of the rickshaw occupation. and to study the social context that affects the rickshaw occupation using a qualitative research model Collect data by visiting the area Face-to-face interviews, books, websites, and research studies based on related research. The study used a sample of two tow truck experts using a structured interview and a semi-structured interview. From the research results, it was found that

From the study of the adaptation and persistence patterns of tow truck professionals It is a study of the way of life of a person. While the nature of the behavior of the tricycle professionals is different. A model for adapting to changing environments to live and survive. Adaptation of a pedicab operator is therefore essential for survival. If the tricycle practitioner has not adapted to survive in society The pedicab career may fade. Due to the current pedicab profession is disturbed by many factors.

From the study of social conditions related to the rickshaw career This is a study of social factors or social constraints that affect cart operators. Several factors and limitations have made tricycle operators adapt to survive in society. It represents the evolution of change in a rapidly changing society. There are many factors intervening that cause some people who work in rickshaws to quit their jobs. Therefore, social conditions are important for the adaptation and persistence of rickshaw groups.


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