The power of arrest of the administrative police officer


  • Chanunchida Thamjai -


arrest power, Administrative, police


The powers and duties of the administrative police officer It is only the division of internal lines, which is the division of duties within the organization only.  This will not cause the authority of the Thai police to disappear.  According to the Criminal Procedure Code in any way.  Therefore, every police officer of every rank, every agency, is considered an officer with the power to arrest all. Although the duties or responsibilities are so broad that it cannot be concluded that the complete work of the police is How many steps or processes are there Because police work does not have a fixed time limit like other types of civil servants. Because there is a problem with the insecurity of the people. or other crimes that may occur unexpectedly or pre-scheduled as to who, where, when, and how. Therefore, the police cannot ignore or deny such duties. Because the police have a duty to enforce the law. and maintain order


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