Public service of local government organizations


  • Warachart Wariwan Roi-Et Rajabhat University


Local government organizations, Public service


          Local government organizations are administrative organizations with powers and duties as provided in the 2017 Constitution of the Kingdom of Thailand. They are important organizations for driving public service missions that cover the needs and wants of the people in the country. it is a basic public service that covers people's lives, therefore, the public service roles of local government organizations must be diverse in terms of forms and methods of providing public services to cover the objectives and goals of providing. public service may perform the necessary tasks yourself or it may be assigned to a private person to do it instead or may join with other people or other legal entities in preparing certain public services that can be provided efficiently.

          Public services of local government organizations still face some problems, including (1) The problem of transferring budgets and personnel that are not sufficient to carry out the missions under the authority and duties of public services of local government organizations, which the government should expedite the transfer of budgets and personnel to Corresponds to current missions and missions that will be transferred in the future. (2) The problem of interfering with the discretion in the provision of public services of local administrative organizations, central and provincial government agencies, where each party should create an understanding of their own roles and responsibilities and what kind of authority they have over each other. (3) Problems with the establishment of cooperatives of local government organizations, which should amend or improve the law all forms of local government organizations can establish cooperatives in order to create equal ability in providing public services.


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