การเข้าถึงสวัสดิการสังคมของผู้สูงอายุตามพระราชบัญญัติการจัดสวัสดิการสังคมสำหรับผู้สูงอายุ กรณีศึกษาพื้นที่หมู่บ้านน้ำเมา ตำบลลาดบัวขาว อำเภอสีคิ้ว จังหวัดนครราชสีมา


  • อิสริยา เงินโพธิ์กลาง นักวิชาการด้านสังคมสงเคราะห์ บ้านพักเด็กและครอบครัวจังหวัดนครสวรรค์


Social Welfare, Elderly, Quality of life


          The purpose of this research is to study the access to social welfare of the elderly according to the Act on Social Welfare for the Elderly. Using qualitative research methods There is a study area for Nam Mao village. Lat Bua Khao Subdistrict, Si Khiu District, Nakhon Ratchasima Province, Use tools to collect data by conducting in-depth interviews, from 5 elderly people in Nam Mao village and 5 village health volunteers and analyzed the data using content analysis.                                                                                                        The research results found that Elderly people can access social welfare for the elderly according to the Act on Social Welfare for the Elderly, including emphasis on medical and health aspects. Social welfare provision, education, employment and income and social services and recreation To promote quality of life activities for the elderly, including physical, mental, social, economic, and environmental issues in the area of every population group of the elderly. Able to access government services more thoroughly and efficiently that responds to the basic needs of the people to have a good quality of life and be self-reliant in a thorough, appropriate, fair and according to standards taking into account human dignity Rights that citizens must receive and participation in social welfare at all levels For guidelines for promoting and developing access to social welfare for the elderly according to the Act on Social Welfare for the Elderly regarding occupations. Participating in traditional activities according to religious principles Developing safety within the community Medical and public health services as well as setting policies Including clear guidelines regarding social welfare provision to improve the quality of life of the elderly. And there should be a proactive action plan to integrate and work together in area agencies and health agencies. Community multidisciplinary group Community organization groups, professional groups, community enterprise groups, etc., in order to make the elderly self-reliant and achieve equality. as well as reducing social inequality in the community sustainably in the future.


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