Naturalism of Taoist Philosophy : Arguments of Applying the Taoist Naturalism to Human Beings

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Narongwat Bunma


This paper studies naturalist concept of Taoism on the issue of an argument of applying the Taoist naturalism concepts to human beings. Findings reveal that 1) the main idea of Taoist philosophy is to focus on nature. According to Taoism, “nature is real”, and such nature is actually called Taoism. In other word, Tao is nature and nature is Tao. Accessing to nature is accessing to Tao. It is also said that nature or Tao is truth. If the world needs access to truth, there is no need to build, develop or refine anything. Doing nothing is the action of accessing to truth. Findings also reveal that 2) the application of naturalistic concept of Taoist philosophy on human is not easy. This is because the naturalist concept of the Taoist philosophy is extreme. That is, its’ rejection to all kinds of creation and all kinds of object-oriented developments, intellectual training, and its belief that real action is doing nothing could not be applicable to all humans, especially when being applied in the context of education. In order to become a complete human who can access to truth, everybody must receive education, go through training and denvelopment.

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Academic Article