The Differences between Hegel and Marx's Dialectics

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ไพรัตน์ ดอนไพร
หอมหวล บัวระภา


The objectives of this research were 1) to study the Hegel and Marx’s dialectic laws and methods, 2) to compare the differences of their concepts.
This documentary research studied the content from works of Hegel and Marx and other works about the concepts. Which were criticized and
compared to study the differences and application. The results of the research signified that Hegel and Marx’s dialectics were the law of dynamic motion, change and development of things due to the inside contradiction of themselves. It was the process analyzing of motion, change and development of things and the contradiction in things themselves was the beginning point of the process. The difference between these two both concepts of dialectic method caused from different philosophy view.
Hegel was objective idealism whereas Marx was objective materialism, so Hegel and Marx’s concept of dialectical process was absolutely different in the process’ format and step of motion, parts that causes of the motion and
change, the extent and final goal of process, and the reason using in process.

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Academic Article