The Buddhist Ethics Viewpoints to the Donation Vessantara's Son Daughter and Wife

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This article has objectives of this study were to analyze and interpret points of the donating Vessantara’s son daughter and wife that has righteousness and oppose ethics principle or not and how. This study particularly analyze reasons of fulfilling great height of liberality of Bodhisattva, This is to give a clear understanding to doubtful person who think it is a difficult action for general ordinary people but Vessantara can does it. The Buddhist ethics viewpoints to aforementioned points conclude
the best thing in Vessantara’s ideal is Enlightenment in the future life. The donating regarded as be right action because it’s base of the Wholesome roots. His Majesty don’t blame himself that he did exceed cause, but His Majesty has willingness contentment and gladness in every donation. It isn’t exploit oneself or violate liberty and rights others, because the most society in the period accept that the person who be parents or husband have ownership in own children and wife. Vessantara don’t donates one because selfishness or wants benefit for himself, but His Majesty head towards to getting Enlighten and it’s carry on for benefit of release from humankind’s
sufferings. The fulfilling height of liberality by the way regarded as be tradition or practice which every Bodhisattvas should do. The donation regarded as have righteousness. don’t oppose with human rights principle or any ethics principle, because Vessantara did by kindheartedness conscience and conscious of being Bodhisattva. All of sages and the Royal Institutes he is not blamed but praised in the great
virtuous intention. It’s very hard to have who equal.

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Academic Article