A Consideration of Epistemological Problems in the Epistemic Systems of Wikipedia and Science

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Denpong Saenkum
Puttharak Prabnok



          This article aims to consider the epistemological problems concerning the epistemic systems of science and Wikipedia. This study is particularly interested in  the comparison between the epistemic systems of science and Wikipedia conducted by K. Brad Wray. In this article, three important issues of 1) a comparison between epistemic collaborations in science and Wikipedia 2) the invisible hand and 3) an epistemology of testimony, are considered. Results of the consideration revealed there are two ways to compare epistemic collaborations in science with Wikipedia, namely one who produces the knowledge and the processes by which knowledge is produced. In addition, although there is no visible hand at work in Wikipedia, there has been a justified belief that  the information in Wikipedia is based on the wisdom of the crowd. Finally, Wikipedia can be considered a source of knowledge based on testimony reductionism.


Keyword: Social Epistemology, Wikipedia, Science, Epistemic System

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Academic Article
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Denpong Saenkum, มหาวิทยาลัยขอนแก่น

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