Agricultural Land Management Cooperative Ban Dok Bua’s Limited Reform Tambon Ban Tun, Muang district, Phayao provice
Management, Agricultural Cooperatives Land reform, Ban Dok BuaAbstract
The purpose of this study was to study the problems and guidelines for the development of Ban Dok Bua Land Reform Agricultural Cooperative Management Limited, Tambon Ban Tun, Mueang District, Phayao Province. Is a qualitative research by using in-depth interviews as a tool to collect data for 15 members of the cooperative group, 10 cooperative committees, government agencies, and 5 people involved in cooperative operations. Then, the information obtained was analyzed, translated, interpreted and summarized. The results of the study of personal problems revealed that the employees had knowledge and skills that did not match the work field. In terms of budget, it was found that each department had no knowledge and understanding of budget planning. Regarding the materials and equipment, it was found that the problem of not taking care of the equipment and tools caused damage and did not match the work. And problems in management found that there were problems with policy formulation that were not clear and the management lacked knowledge and understanding about cooperative regulations. For the development guidelines for the management of agricultural land reform, Ban Dok Bua found that Guidelines for personal development by arranging for the examination of the recruitment of personnel with knowledge and ability to match with the job position. Guidelines for the development of budget and materials by providing budget planning for the procurement of materials and equipment to be sufficient for work. And management guidelines with operational supervision to be an internal control and clearly defined goals, continuous monitoring and evaluation of performance as well as promoting participation in member activities.
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