Applying Good Governance Principle in Public Services of Wangtai Sub-district Administrative Organization, Wang Nuea District, Lampang Province


  • Kacha Chaidee Lecturer, Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Sathira Phueakpraphan Lecturer, Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Chaiwat Uthaisan Lecturer, Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Phakawan Inthara Lecturer, Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Sittidejh Apainon Lecturer, Pacific Institute of Management Science


Good Governance Principle, Wangtai Sub-district Administrative Organization, Wang Nuea District, Lampang Province


           The objectives of the study were: 1) to examine usage of good governance principle in the public service of Wangtai Sub- district Administrative Organization; 2) to study standards used in providing public service of the Organization; and 3) to determine the pathways for improvement in order to help the Organization create public service the more effectively respond to people’s need. The study was conducted based on quantitative research integrated with qualitative research, asking a sample group of 400 citizens living in Wangtai Sub-district Administrative Organization’s area to complete questionnaires, and interviewing 14 community leaders in the same area. The findings revealed that the public service of the Wangtai Sub-district Administrative Organization occasionally applied good governance principles while providing their services, while the community leaders thought that the Organization rarely applied the principles. The result of the study on providing public services showed that the sampled group estimated the public services provision was based on good standards at the fair level. The followed the standards at a level that satisfied community leaders, who claimed that the Organization’s management already prioritized the wellbeing of the majority. Concerning improvements, the sampled group proposed that the Wandtai Sub-district Administrative Organization should improve service to better meet the people’s need. Recommendations included improving waste management, public electricity management, water source improvement for consumption and farming, the promotion of sports activities, and improved computer service center or Internet in the community. In addition on improved operations, they suggested that there should be to improve the officials’ ability to meet the public needs, as well ensure a fair and thorough distribution of public service.


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