
  • พระภารัตน์ ธมฺมปญฺโญ(รุณ) หลักสูตรศาสนศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต สาขาวิชาพุทธศาสน์ศึกษา มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตสิรินธร ราชวิทยาลัย
  • สมเกียรติ ไชยภูมิ อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาหลัก
  • มานพ นักการเรียน อาจารย์ที่ปรึกษาร่วม


Role of Buddhist Propagation, Phra San Sochea (Vachirapañño), Cambodia


The objectives of this thematic paper are as follows: 1) to study the role of the Buddhist Propagation 2) to study the bio-history and the role of the Buddhist propagation of Phra San Sochea (Vachirapañño) and 3) to analyze the value of the role of the Buddhist Propagation of Phra San Sochea (Vachirapañño). This research is a qualitative study, focused on documentaries, studies mainly on the Tipitaka, documentaries relating and works of Buddhist scholars and the interviews of the related persons to Phra San Sochea. All the data are classified into system, concluded and presented in descriptive analysis.

The results of research are found as follows: 1. The roles of the Buddhist Propagation are composed of the principles of the propagation, the styles of the propagation, the Buddhist Methods of the propagation, the teaching methods and techniques of the knowledge and the propagation techniques by teaching method. 2. Phra San Sochea (Vachirapañño), the senior Cambodian Buddhist Monk was born in Tambon Cokpho, Burichonsa District, Takaew Province. He has been teaching his Buddhist followers with the outstanding characteristics including a new model of the propagations, a wide varieties of teaching styles and a lot of interesting techniques creating not only the high volume of the new young Cambodian Buddhist followers but also being the new model leaders for training the Cambodian Buddhist young blood monk propagators. He is an expert in using the new information technology medias such as line and facebook for supporting his teaching operation together with writing the articles and books with the objectives to teach the young Cambodian people for understanding the Buddhist doctrines to respect and properly practices return to their parents and also rehabilitation of Buddhism in Cambodia after destruction by Khmer Rouge. 3. The results of the analysis of the values of the role of the propagation of Phra San Sochea (Vachirapañño) consists of the value of the leadership, the value of the unity, the value of the restoration of the Buddhist Speech, the value of the application of Dhamma and the value of the establishment of the virtue (moral principle). These values are used for the understanding of the young Cambodian people in the real Buddha Doctrines leading to the right practices for their better way of life.


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