Organizational management according to ethical principles in Buddhism


  • พระครูศรีปริยัติวิธาน (แม้น ทองวิจิตต์) อาจารย์ประจำหลักสูตรรัฐศาสตรบัณฑิต สาชาวิชาการปกครอง มหาวิทยาลัยมหามกุฏราชวิทยาลัย วิทยาเขตสิรินธรราชวิทยาลัย
  • สุชาติ ค้าทางชล นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • เสาวภาคย์ แหลมเพ็ขร อาจารย์ประจำมหาวิมทยาลัยเกริก
  • บำรุง ตั้งสง่า นักวิชาการอิสระ
  • ปิยะชาติ ประทุมพร อาจารย์ประจําสถาบันวิทยาการจัดการแห่งแปซิฟิค


Administration, Ethics, Buddhism


Human in a society consists of different groups of people with different beliefs, habits, attitudes, and cultures, living together in the same territory. It is therefore necessary to find appropriate administration and governance in society. In order for the society to go well with peace, fairness, and harmony, there should be an implementation in the principle of appropriate administration and governance. If the principle of administration and governance are not implemented appropriately, there will be confusion, breaking up and disharmony among people in the society. Currently, proper administration and administration are needed by every society, because these are the important factor in achieving social stability and bringing society to prosperity, and well-being. In the past, the administration and governance of the government are closely related with religion; they depend on each other. Religion is the source of a single ideology. It is an important tool in maintaining the righteousness of administration and governance, and the acceptance of the people towards the rulers. Thai society has been influenced by the teachings of Buddhism in terms of administration and administration. Especially those brought from the scriptures, such as the Songkahawatthu 4, Dhodsapitrajadham, phala (energies) 5, avoidance of prejudice 4, which are the principles for the rulers, the principle for the king 49, which are also considered as the ruling principle of government officials. In the view of political sciences, it is the principle for physical and mental control, which if implemented appropriately, can will lead the right way and bring benefits to the society.


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