The King’s philosophy and Human Security: Hill tribe groups at Tak Province.


  • Sittidet wongpratya The Association of National Defence College of Thailand Under The Royal Patronage of His Majesty The King
  • Vorasun Buranakarn Faculty of Architecture Chulalongkorn University
  • Sermsiri Akaraputipun Invited lecturer Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya university
  • Wannaporn Buddhapoompitak Independent researcher


King philosophy Science, Human right, human security, Lahu


         This research is Applied research consists of 3 specific research topics as: 1) The Human Rights of Community in the National Forest 2.) Community Architecture in the National Forest 3.) Buddhist Propagation to the Community in the National Forest. There are 5 objectives as: 1.) to study community context, community way of life and human security 2.) to disseminate and bring the King Rama IX's philosophy science to the community 3.) to create community innovative ideas to the local 4.) to develop community ability and life quality according to the King Rama IX's philosophy guidelines. 5.) To honor the King Rama IX, the reign of the King Rama X, and the Thai royal family.
           This research methodology used qualitative research methods and participatory action research methods with 1,135 local community members as statistical population.
The results of the research were as follows: 1.) The Lahu tribal community (Lahu) has a context, culture, tradition, way of life, history, beliefs, languages, attitudes, values and values. Having ties with the monarchy 2.) The community has brought the King Rama IX 's philosophy as a way of life since 1974 3.) The community leaders have been developed intellectual knowledge from the King Rama IX’s philosophy which contains the 5-dimensional principle and distribute actual multi-disciplinary results 4) The community still strictly maintains its tribal identity and believes along with Buddhism principles and traditional beliefs. The community architecture and local people the national forest has been influenced by the changing world trend with risk of the cultural collapse. At the same time, a limitation of human rights and community security in national forest area, has brought up the problems with government lands. 5) finally, The Lahu community is a empirical model of the application results of King Rama IX and King Rama X. Nowadays, government agencies and communities have learned and visited Lahu community as learning resources and eco-tourism.


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