Expected Leadership of Village Headmen of Voters in the 2nd District of Mea Jai District, Phayao


  • Chuchat Phuengphorjai Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • Ben Pornpoltam Lecturer, Pharmakon Rajabhat University
  • Apiwathana Polsayom Pacific Institute of Management Science
  • pensri bangbon Lecturer, Pharmakon Rajabhat University


Leadership, oters in Mea Jai district


         The research explores the point of view of expected leadership of village headmen of voters in the 2nd District of Mea Jai and compares the distinct factors in terms of genders, subdistrict context of the voters relating to the expected leadership of village headmen in Mea Jai district, Phayao. The samples are three hundred ninety- five village headmen in Mea Jai District. The questionnaires are used in collecting data. Percentage, Means, Standard Deviation, T-test, F-test and One-Way Anova areapplied to analyze the data.
         The results exhibit that most of the voters’ opinion on the expected leadership of the village headmen is on the positive side with a high rate at 4.37. The following report shows the voters’ satisfaction of the expected leadership from the maximum rate to the minimum rate .The leadership in changingsociety is shown at the high rating at 4.72 followed by the leadership of changing at 4.50. The next leaderships running after the two are the leaderships of power (4.34), strategies (4.34) and vision (4.34) respectively.Overall, for the view of voters in terms of expected leadership of village headmen, there is no significant difference. But for individual factors, it is found that these factors play an important role in varying the communities’ opinion on the expected leadership of village headmen in Mea Jai district significantly at 0.05


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