Educational Institution in Buddhist Approach


  • Manop Nakkarnrian Mahamakut Buddhist University Sirindhornvidyalaya Campus
  • Banchuen Nakkarnrian Mahamakut Buddhist University Sirindhornvidyalaya Campus


Human Development Tools, The Pulling of Hidden Power, Cultivation of Ideals, Good Friends, One who has Self-Realization


        Education is a tool to develop quality manpower, physical, mental, intellectual and professional skills in order to be able to live happily with other people in the society. It is to bring out the power hidden in the person to develop, and is to instill an ideal into in order to get rid of problems and create perfection for humans.
       The education places are the places that are complementary to education. The instructors act as friends to help guide the way to learning. The teaching methods, the various strategies and tactics are the relief devices. The curriculum has both a career focus and a complete relief from problems and in the end, the students must be the ones who see it themselves.


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