Creating happiness in the Buddhism’s Perspective


  • Phramongkol thammavithan Master of Arts Program in Buddhism, Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phramaha Prasit Srathong Bachelor of Education Program in Teaching English, Mahamakut Buddhist University


Creating happiness in the Buddhism’s Perspective


             All beings on this planet all desire happiness. Buddhism therefore prescribes happiness as there are many types. happiness is based on ambiance relying on eroticism as the cause of happiness and Niramisuk, not based on ambiguity. Relying on the unknowingly happy or independent happiness. The other type of happiness, physical happiness. Happiness is the heart and the highest of happiness is happiness Nirvana. It is happiness that is independent of time. No object and it is pure happiness without any hidden part or suffering. In order to reach complete happiness must treat happiness correctly meaning that no suffering is to be consumed by oneself not abandoning righteous happiness even in the righteous happiness that he was not obsessed with and diligently caused all the causes of suffering by following the Eight or Threefold Path.


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