The Role of Cultivating Morality of Monk Teachers the Dhamma in Schools Affecting Modify Unwanted Behaviors of Adolescents


  • Winyou Kinasen Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornrajavidyalaya Campus
  • Pensri Bangbon Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Udonthani Education Center
  • Sawit Lhapmala Suan Sunandha Rajabhat University Udonthani Education Center
  • Wanwisa Wangsala Independent Scholar


Role, Cultivating morality, Unwanted behaviors, Monk teachers the Dhamma in schools, Adolescents


           The objectives of this research were as follows: (1) to study the relationship status of adolescents causing unwanted behavior, (2) to study the qualities of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools, (3) to study the role of cultivating morality of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools affecting modify unwanted behaviors of adolescents, (4) to create experiments and evaluate the efficacy, model of cultivating morality of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools affecting modify unwanted behaviors of adolescents, and (5) to prepare a guide to cultivating morality of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools affecting modify unwanted behaviors of adolescents. This research was mixed both quantitative and qualitative methods. The sample group was the 113 people who were monk teachers the Dhamma in schools under the responsibility of Mahamakut Buddhist University, Sirindhornvidyalaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom Province, including in-depth interviews with key informants 5 people. The tools were questionnaires and structured in-depth interviews. The statistics used were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correlation coefficient. The results of research were found that (1) the relationship status of adolescents causing unwanted behavior had on a high level in 3 aspects; social and cultural, Friends and family. (2) The qualities of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools had on a high level in 3 aspects; behavior, Ideology, knowledge, ability and experience. (3) The role of cultivating morality of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools affecting modify unwanted behaviors of adolescents had on a moderate level in 3 aspects; training, supporting creative activities, coordination with related agencies. The education had on a high level. (4) The results of hypothesis testing were found that the relationship status of adolescents and the qualities of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools, and the role of cultivating morality of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools affecting modify unwanted behaviors of adolescents, were positively correlated significantly. Statistically significant at .05 level. (5) The morality model of moral ministry in schools that affect adolescent behavior modification were SCOTT MODEL; Support creative activities, Coordinate with relevant agencies, Teaching, Train, and (6) the guide to cultivating morality of monk teachers the Dhamma in schools affecting modify unwanted behaviors of adolescents; Background of the model, Elements of the model, Activities 4 and Jataka 7.


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