The organizational discipline management affecting the knowledge management in order to be a learning organization of government education institutions in the western region of Thailand


  • Piyanart Boonmepipit Muban Chombueng Rajabhat University


Discipline management, , Knowledge management, Learning organization


          The purposes of  this research were  to study. 1) The organizational discipline management in the government education institution. 2) The knowledge management in order to be a learning organization in the government education institution. 3) The organizational discipline management affecting the knowledge management in order to be a learning organization of government education institutions in the western region of Thailand. The samples were education institutions in Primary schools, Secondary school, Vocational college and University and respondent composed were 286 managers 286 and teachers from education institution. The research instrument was a questionnaire. It has validity between 0.60-1.0 and reliability has .839. The statistics used for analysis were frequencies percentage, mean, standard deviation, stepwise multiple regression analysis.

       The research findings were as follows:

  1. The organizational discipline management in the government education institution were overall at a high level. The classification were finding that: Discipline number 1: personal mastery, Discipline number 2: Mental Models, Discipline number 4: Team Learning, Discipline number 3: Shared Vision, Discipline number 5: Systematic Thinking  
  2. The knowledge management in the government education institution were overall at a high level. The classification were finding that: knowledge management, knowledge exchange, knowledge learning and creating and seeking knowledge.
  3. The affecting analysis were that: The organizational discipline management were the total Discipline management, Discipline number 2: mental models, Discipline number 1: personal mastery, Discipline number 5: systematic thinking, Discipline number 3: shared vision and Discipline number 4: team learning, There were affecting to the knowledge management in order to be a learning organization of government education institutions in the western region of Thailand. The prediction efficiency was 52.70 percent.


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