The Role of Energy in Russian Federation Foreign Policy towards The Islamic Republic of Iran from 2000 until Today


  • Juthamas Butdilla Master of Political Science Department of International Politics and Diplomacy Faculty of Political Science Thammasat University


Energy, Foreign policy, Russian Federation, The Islamic Republic of Iran


This research paper aims to study 1) the role of energy in Russian foreign policy towards The Islamic Republic of Iran from 2000 until today; 2) factors influencing strategy implementation of energy use in establishing Russian foreign policy towards Iran from 2000 until today; and 3) future trends in Russian foreign policy towards Iran. A case study method was used, examining specific events at a given time with documentary and data analyses from primary and secondary sources in the form of books, articles, and relevant documents. An analytical framework was examined by a concept of National Interest and Heartland Theory.

Results were that energy plays a significant role in Russian national advancement through operations under the framework of Russian foreign policy towards Iran. Especially since 2000, President Vladimir Putin has used energy as an important strategy for constructive involvement with Iran. To achieve economic and state security benefits, Russia recognizes that Iran is an important competitor in the world energy market as well as a necessary ally for maintaining peace and Russia’s status as a world and regional superpower. Considering the relevant documents and interviews from Russian and Iranian foreign policy experts, the influencing factor Following the implementation of the energy strategy to formulate Russia's foreign policy against Iran between 2000 and present, including 1) setting up an energy export-import infrastructure that Russia and Iran are stakeholders 2) Caspian Sea Management And 3) Iran's nuclear program. Russia wants to expand its influence through oil and gas pipelines and foreign investment in the energy industry in the Caspian Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean. This makes Russia and Iran both major allies and competitors in the world of energy and geopolitics. Only the nuclear development program Iran have to rely on the status of a member of the Russian Security Council in the United Nations to mitigate influence and sanctions from other powers, which Russia is very cautious in pursuing Iran's nuclear policy. It could turn into a Russian threat in the future. Therefore, Russia's foreign policy trend towards Iran. In order to maintain the status of superpower and the solidarity of power in the region which is part of the heartland through its role in energy. This means Russia must adjust its foreign policy towards Iran according to timely imperatives, alternately collaborating with and impeding Iran’s influence simultaneously. Russia's foreign policy approach towards Iran will continue to use energy as a creative instrument as part of its ambitious future geopolitical, political, and security goals.


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