Innovation in School Development for a Model School: Promoting Thinking Skills


  • Phornsak Sucharitrak Faculty of Education, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University
  • Chanita Pilachai Wat Kok Thong School, Ratchaburi


innovation, school development, a model school, thinking skills


The purposes of this research were to 1) explore factors of school development for a model school to promote students’ thinking skills; 2) examine the results of the confirmatory factor of school development for a model school to promote students’ thinking skills and; 3) determine the innovation in school development for a model school to promote students’ thinking skills.  The sample consisted of the 234 administrators and teachers within the school network in the central region, which currently promotes students’ thinking skills. Krejcie & Morgan's formula was used to estimate the sample size. The stratified random sampling was given a particular sample: 24 school administrators and 210 teachers were selected. The informers for the questionnaire were randomized. The instruments in this research were structured interviews, open-ended questionnaires, and checklists.  The statistical procedures used were descriptive statistics and Exploratory Factor Analysis.

  The results can be concluded as follows:

  • The factors of school development for a model school to promote students’ thinking skills composed of 8 elements namely:  1) school management strategy; 2) organizational structure of school management; 3) school management system; 4) school leadership; 5) teacher and staff development6) teaching and learning management and; 7) shared values in an organization.
  • The agreement of experts on the results of the confirmatory factors of school development was appropriate, practical, and useful for a model school to promote students’ thinking skills.
  • The school development for a model school to promote students’ thinking skills composed of 7 innovations and  41sub-innovations as follows:  1) school management strategy with six innovations; 2) organizational structure of school management with five innovations; 3) school management system with six innovations; 4) school leadership with five innovations; 5) teacher and staff 6) teaching and learning 7) shared values


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