The analysis of the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainable in the Thai Society 4.0 actually or not by the Buddhist Dhamma Niyamma


  • Somkiet Chaiyapoom Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Phrakhruparitattikunaphorn Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Thongbai Dhiranandankura Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Winyou Kinasen Mahamakut Buddhist University
  • Karuna Mathulaprangsan Mahamakut Buddhist University


Thailand 4.0, Buddhist Dharma Niyamma, Three Equilibrium


This article is to analyze the value of Thailand 4.0 to develop the wealth security and sustainable in the Thai Society 4.0 actually or not by the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma. This research was a qualitative study, focused on the documentary studies, mainly in the Tipitaka, the relating documentaries and the Buddhist scholars’ works together with the depth interview of related experts. The results of the research are found as follows: 1) The country development plan of Thailand 4.0 was a development plan connecting to the paradigm of a traditional science being a reductionism characteristic of the Newton mechanics effecting the economic and political system becoming the combination of free-market capitalism with democratic representation. As a result, the development of inequality was so high that it could not support the Technology Disruption especially for the 4th industrial revolution era. 2) The Buddhist Dharma for analyzing the country development plan was the Dharma for the creation of the thought processes, considered carefully and smartly until seeing the truth, both at the eye level and beyond the eye, It was fair to filter out the external data by the Dharma called “Paratoghosa” combining with Kalamasutra Principle together with “Yonisomanasikara” thoughtfully until viewing the right understanding of Thailand 4.0 Development Plan for not supporting the real communication world from information technology disruption because of its connecting to the paradigm of a traditional science being a reductionism characteristic, so needing to adjust the paradigm to a modern science to be the holistic and system process. 3) The analysis of the value of Thailand 4.0 by the Buddhist Dharma Niyamma was the analysis and synthesis of the new model of Buddhist Dharma including the Dependent Origination, the Three Characteristics law and the Four Noble Truths with the relationship each other for the dynamic connection for the sublime practice called “the Eightfold Noble Paths” confirmed to be complex and profound in accordance with the western sciences were CHAORDIC, KM and Disruption interpreted and synthesized to be for a worldly practice, namely “the Three Equilibrium Theory”.


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