Collaborative Governance’s Network Building for Human Capital Development in Provincial Administrative Organization


  • Decha Puangngam Doctor of Philosophy Program in Public Administration, Rangsit University
  • Pathan Suwanmongkol Doctor of Philosophy Program in Public Administration, Rangsit University


Provincial Administration Organizations, Network Building, Collaborative Governance, Human Capital Development


The objectives of this research are 1) to explore processes of collaborative governance’s network building for human capital development in three Provincial Administration Organizations 2) to analyze relevant factors that help collaborative governance’s network building for human capital development in those Organizations, and 3) to analyze or identify key factors that help collaborative governance for human capital development in those Organizations to a success. The study applies a qualitative research method by collecting data from relevant documents and in-depth interviewing with key informants from three successful Provincial Administration Organizations (PAO), i.e., Krabi PAO, Surat Thani PAO, Chiang Mai PAO as well as their related administrative collaboration network partners.

The research found that the process of collaborative governance’s network building for human capital development is composed of: firstly, negotiations among all concerned parties; secondly, building mutual trust; thirdly, creation consensus of the collaboration; fourthly, building mutual understandings; and fifthly, creation tangible results in the midst of the works. In addition, the research also found that relevant factors help create collaborative governance’s network building for human capital development consist of 1) differences in power, duties, resources, and potentials; 2) motivations for coming to work in a collaborative manner; 3) mutually assistances experienced from the past; 4) creation of a structure that conducive to such cooperation, and 5) the role of leader to lead cooperation. As far as the last finding is concerned, the research was able to identify the following key factors that bring success to the three PAO.: 1) the important role of the coordinator who possesses certain characteristics and capabilities; 2) the teamwork of the coordinator’s members; 3) the potential of the core coordinating organization; 4) the proactive cooperation efforts of major collaboration networks’ partners; and 5) the proactive cooperation efforts of collaboration networks’ supporting partners.


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