Guidelines for Promoting Herbal Wisdom according to The King's Philosophy of Wat Klang Khu Wiang as a Lifelong Learning Resource


  • Choosak Phokacha Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University
  • Nirut Vatthanophas Faculty of Education, Silpakorn University


Promotion Guidelines, lifelong learning resource, Herbal wisdom, The King's Philosophy, Wat Klang Khu Wiang.


The research objectives were 1) to study the condition and needs for promoting herbal wisdom of Wat Klang Khu Wiang to be a lifelong learning resource, and 2) to propose guidelines for promoting herbal wisdom according to The King's Philosophy to be a lifelong learning resource. The sample group consisted of 1) 247 student of Non-Formal and In-Formal Education Center, Nakhon Chai Si Distric, Nakhon Pathom Province, in the Academic year 2018 and 370 elderly from 24 sub-districts in the Nakhonchaisri area, Nakhon Pathom Province. A total of samples were 617 people, and stratified random sampling was used to select the sample group, and 2) 9 people who were community stakeholders and purposive sampling was used in this study. A research questionnaire and a semi-structured interview were used as tools to collect data. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation and descriptive content analysis.

The results of the study were found that:

  1. The condition of the learning resource of Wat Klang Khu Wiang was in regression, with fewer users, and fewer Inherit knowledge. No learning activities are organized within the learning resources. Dissemination of information on social medias was not update. And it was also found that the needs to be a lifelong learning resource had a high level of demand on Knowledge, learning activities, and operational aspects.
  2. Guidelines for promoting herbal wisdom according to the King's Philosophy to be a lifelong learning resource were found that 1) community people should participate and strive in driving and continuing knowledge for future generations. 2) Relevant agencies should be united, and involved in organizing a variety of learning activities on the basis of sufficiency and non-profit. And there should be public relations of information through update and systematically medias, to promote it as a lifelong learning resource of the community.


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