The Quality Assessment of Food Delivery Service based on Kano’s Model During Social Distancing Period in Samut Sakhon Province


  • Wannachai Thurapang College of Management, Silpakron University of Thailand
  • Prasopchai Phusunon College of Management, Silpakron University of Thailand


Kano’s model, Food delivery, Service Quality, Social Distancing


        This research applied Kano’s model to study 1. comments of quality satisfaction of food delivery service from employees, 2. consequences from Kano’s model to use as the guideline to develop the food delivery quality of the employees during the social distancing period, and 3. practical guideline for the entrepreneurs who wants to start up their food delivery business during the social distancing period. The sample group were 376 people who have used food delivery service in Samut Sakhon province. The instrument was questionnaire that asked for the service satisfactions in 3 aspects and 28 attributes, positively and negatively. The results can be identified by using 4 types of customers’ satisfaction, and it shows that 1) Must-be type has an attribute of food delivery employees that is to ride safely with traffic-rule respect, 2) One-dimensional type has 13 attributes of food delivery employees’ characteristics, such as be mellifluous, humble, interpersonal, responsible, wear standard masks, and so on, 3) Attractive type has an attribute that it should have various payment channels, and 4) Indifferent type has 13 attributes that are to be able to deliver food in nearby areas, to deliver food without passengers, not to deliver food in crowded buildings, and so on.


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