สมรรถนะการบริหารเทคโนโลยีสารสนเทศ ของผู้บริหารสถานศึกษาเอกชน เขตบางกะปิ กรุงเทพมหานคร


  • บุศรา นาคแก้ว วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม
  • ธีระพงศ์ บุศรากูล วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม


Administrative competency, Information technology of private educational institution administrators



This research The objectives are to 1) study the Competency of information technology management of the administrators of private educational institutions in Bangkapi District, Bangkok; and 2) to compare opinions on information technology management competencies of administrators of private educational institutions in Bangkapi District, Bangkok, classified by gender, age, education level, position, work experience Of teachers in private educational institutions, Bangkapi district, Bangkok

          This research is a quantitative and qualitative research. The samples used in this research were 266 teachers in private educational institutions in Bangkapi District, Bangkok. Simple random sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires, a five-level valuation scale and an interview questionnaire. structure The quantitative data was analyzed using descriptive and reference statistics. By distributing frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. T-value test And testing the F. By analyzing one-way variance (One Way ANOVA) in case of statistically significant difference was found. Will check the differences individually The significance level of 0.05 was applied by the formula based on the Least Significant Difference (LSD) method and the qualitative data analysis. Use content analysis

          The results of the research were as follows: 1) School administrators, private educational institutions, Bangkapi District, Bangkok The overall information technology management competency was at a high level (= 4.31). When considering each aspect, it was found that the side with the highest average Is the ability to promote and support the use of technology for education (= 4.35), followed by the ability to use and manage information technology for education and work appropriately (= 4.32). Is the ability to assess the use of information technology to improve the management (= 4.27) 2) the results of comparing opinions about the performance of information technology management. Of the administrators of private education institutions in Bangkapi District, Bangkok, found that teachers of different sexes saw that the administrators of private education institutions in Bangkapi Has competencies in information technology management. No different Teachers of different ages and educational levels agree that private administrators in Bangkapi District, Bangkok There was a statistically significant difference in information technology management competencies at 0.05 level. Has competencies in information technology management. In all aspects It can be a role model for other school administrators as a guideline for self-improvement and development in the area of IT management competencies to be more appropriate. However, the opinions of the teachers who comment on the administrative competencies of information technology vary by age and education level.

          Results of an interview with 3 school administrators in private educational institutions in Bangkapi District, Bangkok. It was found that all 3 school administrators had operational principles. According to conceptual standards Information technology management competencies to develop organizations creatively include challenges. Taking time for thinking, problem solving, flexibility, giving opinions Conflict reduction There must be a principle There is a good working system. Have direct communication and understanding Have trust in the work of your colleagues.


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