
  • Supreecha chamnanphuttiphon Mahamakut Buddhist University Srithammasokkaraj Campus


vole, leadership, student.


The Objective of this research were as follows 1) To study the role of leadership of students in the department of Government 2) To study promotion of leadership of students according to Buddhist principles which are appeared in Tipitaka The scope focused on students in B.A. and M.A. in Mahamakut Buddhist university, Srithammasokkarag Campus academic year 2016 under conceptual framework on leadership according to the Buddhist principle of Kalayanamitr 7 and Brahmaviharadhamma 4

The population and sample size which are examined by the researchers focused on administrators, regular teachers, and specialist teachers for nine persons and the student committee from B.A. and M.A. for fifteen persons by purposive sampling and Emphasized on in-depth-interview, focus group and behavior observation which are the primary source coordinated with a general document for the secondary source.

The findings were as follows:

The role of leadership of students in the department of Government which is expressed in semi-group conversation found that there were fewer of them who can be expressed or changing their idea as regularly, this is because of them useless of Kalayanamitr 7 in the aspect of Knowledge training or perceiving as usual and seriously, therefore the promotion of leadership to students the university should manage, train and arrange activities for working harmoniously for building up experience in teamwork, co-operation, communication, and creation for specific problem-solving.

The suggestions found that the university should promote various activities other than Buddhism activities and emphasize the participation of them as more and more, at the first, there should train from student in each subject them choose the proper students to participate as a committee of the student council in university along with research that concerned with Dhamma principle of student in the department of government.



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