Women’s Political Roles for Duty Working in the House of Parliament of Female Politicians in Bangkok and Metropolitan Area


  • Chatsuphang Saramart Doctor of Philosophy Program in Political Science Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Thatchanan Issaradet Doctor of Philosophy Program in Political Science Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University
  • Yuttana Praneet Doctor of Philosophy Program in Political Science Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University


Women’s Political Roles, The House of Parliament, Female Politicians, Bangkok and Metropolitan Area.


Objectives of this dissertation were: 1. To study the Women’s Political Roles, 2. To study people’s expectation of the Women’s Political Roles and 3. To propose the Women’s Political Roles according to Buddhadhamma. Methodology was the mixed methods: The quantitative research, by survey method, data were collected from 400 samples who were the people with the right to votes in Bangkok and Metropolitan areas with 5 levels-valued scale questionnaires for the confidence in vicinity for the people’s expectation, with 5 levels-valued scale questionnaires with validity value at 0.98. Data were analyzed with frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. The qualitative research, data were collected from 18 key informants. Data were analyzed to form basic model to submit to 10 participants for focus group discussion to confirm the developed model to promote the Women’s Political Roles according to Buddhadhamma.

Findings were as follows:  

  1. 1. Factors that promoted the Women’s Political Roles were education that promoted women to have more confidence in themselves. Family Influence was the Important motif to drive women to accumulate political Experiences. Political media and media access were the political advantages. Political ideology opened the space for women to play the political roles that led to more social acceptance of women’s political roles.
  2. 2. People’s expectation of the Women’s Political Roles: by overall was at Medium Level(=3.37). The Representativeness of Parliament; It was found that female politicians must have sincerity, eagerness to learn, with responsibility, Intellectual ability, mindfulness, prudence, respect and Hiri Ottappa.Parliamentary oversight over the Executive aspect; It was found that by it’s nature it was difficult for woman to inspect man, so female politicians should be appointed Members of Committees. Parliament’s Legislative Capacity Aspect; Female politicians should Involve in law drafting by being members of Committees. The transparency and Accessibility of Parliament Aspect; It was found that communication within the Political Parties and communication to the public must be the part of the political communication for Country Development, The Accountability of Parliament Aspect; It was found that there must be good creativity for the society. Parliament’s Involvement in International Policy Aspect; It was found that there should be participatory parts by being Committee, Sub-Committee or Advisors to the Working Committee.
  3. Promotion development for Women’s Political Roles, by overall, it was at high level ( =4.00). Classifying by sides from high to low was that: at Pañña level, by overall It was at highest level ( =5.00). at Sīla level was at high level ( =3.74), at Samādhi level was at high level ( =3.56) accordingly. The findings from in-depth-interview were that promotion development of Women’s Political Roles for Duty Working in the House of Parliament of Female Politicians in Bangkok and Metropolitan Area according to Tisikkhā, Threefold Training, Sīla morality, performingduty according to the laws, Samādhi Intention, strong intention to perform duty, Pañña, Knowledge, all around knowledge to issue the laws.


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