Guidelines for Classroom Management in Accordance with the 4 Sappapaya Principles of Teachers under the office of Ang thong Secondary Educational Service Area


  • โซ่ทอง สระบัวทอง มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย


Guidelines for Classroom Management, the 4 Sappapaya


The objectives of this research are: 1) to study the classroom management of teachers under Ang Thong Secondary Educational Service Area 5, 2) to study guidelines in classroom management according to the four principles of Sappaya of teachers under Ang Thong Secondary Educational Service Area 5, and 3) to propose the guidelines of classroom management according to the four principles of Sappaya of teachers under Ang Thong Secondary Educational Service Area 5. The mixed research methodology was used in the study. The qualitative data were collected from documents and in-depth interviews with 5 school administrators through interview form, and then analyzed by content analysis. The questionnaires were used for quantitative data collecting from 260 samples working under Ang Thong Secondary Educational Service Area 5. The samples were obtained by simple random sampling. The data were analyzed by percentage, frequency, mean and standard deviation.

The results of the study were found that:

  1. 1. The state of classroom management of teachers under Ang Thong Secondary Educational Service Area 5 in overall was at a high level. When considering in each aspect with descending order, the highest level was on setting up rules and regulations for the classroom, followed by positive discipline building, building motivation and reducing students’ undesirable behaviors, building positive relationship and analytical thinking skills, decision making, time management, teaching strategies of teachers, and building classroom atmosphere and environment suitable to learning respectively.
  2. 2. The guidelines in classroom management according to the four principles of Sappaya of teachers under Ang Thong Secondary Educational Service Area 5 consist of building classroom atmosphere and environment suitable to learning, setting up classroom rules and regulations, building motivation and reducing students’ undesirable behaviors, building positive discipline, choosing teaching strategies of teachers, and building positive relationship.

3. The guidelines of classroom management according to the four principles of Sappaya of teachers under Ang Thong Secondary Educational Service Area 5 are as follows: In Avasa Sappaya, the classroom management is focused on safety, suitable a atmosphere and environment, cleanliness, beuaty and personal space. In Ahara Sappaya, the price of food and merchandises in shops and the welfare shop is reasonable. In Puggala Sappaya, students are encouraged and supported to express their ability and their achievements are shown on the school bill-board, classroom board or in public. In Dhamma Sappaya, teaching and learning techniques and cultivating morals and ethics are arranged for students.


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