The student activities management affecting the identity characteristics of the Faculty of Education, Ban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University


  • Piyanart Boonmepipit Department of Educational Administration, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University
  • Ekachai Boonmepipit Department of Educational Administration, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University
  • Pornsak Sutjaritrak Department of Educational Administration, Muban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University


Activities managemen, Learning organization: Students identity


The purposes of this research were to study. 1) The student development management 2) The student behavior according to the identity of the Faculty of Education. 3)The student activities management affecting the identity characteristics of the Faculty of Education, Ban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University. The samples were 10 doctoral student educational administration and 36 Master's student education administration and 331 bachelor's teacher students. Total of 377 respondents. The research instrument was a questionnaire. It has validity between 0.80-1.0 and reliability has .963. The statistics used for analysis were frequencies percentage, mean, standard deviation, stepwise multiple regression analysis. 

The research findings were as follows: 

  1. Management of activities to develop student characteristics according to the identity of the Faculty of Education were overall at a high level.  The classification was finding sort from high value to fewer value that: Public benefit activities, Art and culture activities, Learning activities, Information and communication technology activities, Research activities and Academic service activities respectively.
  2. The student characteristics according to the faculty identity as a whole were at a high level. The classification was finding sort from high value to less value that: All aspects are at a high-level and in descending order as follows: Good wish, Want to know and fight for work respectively.
  3. The student activities management were Learning activities and information and communication technology activities were affecting the identity characteristics of the Faculty of Education, Ban Chom Bueng Rajabhat University. The prediction efficiency was 40.70 percent. They resulted in a statistically significant effect at the .001 level.


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