The evaluation of knowledge management training project


  • Abhichat Anukulwech Chonburi Technical College


Evaluation, training program, knowledge management system, information system


The purposes of this study was to assess the results of the knowledge management system training program with information systems. The sample group was teachers and staff of Chonburi Technical College. Using a simple random sampling method, 30 participants participated in the training program. The research instrument was a questionnaire, which was a 5-rating scale.

          The research result were 1) the participants who passed the project were satisfied with the implementation of the Knowledge Management (KM) framework for the fiscal year 2020 with a high average level. The objective of the project was higher than the performance of the training project. The average of overall was at a high level. The knowledge and ability of the lecturer was at the highest average, followed by the suitability of the place and the readiness of lighting and sound systems; the suitability of food and beverages with the least average 2) the objectives of the project was at a high level. The participants’ answers for the project that was importance of knowledge management system with information systems. The participants could understanding of knowledge management systems with information systems. The participants after the training were able to use the knowledge management system with information systems was very well.


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