Problems and guidelines for administration of guidance according to the opinions of junior high school students of Thammislam Tha-it school under the Office of Education, Nonthaburi province.


  • ปรัชญา รอดเทียน มหาวิทยาลัยเซนต์จอห์น
  • ธนีนาฏ ณ สุนทร มหาวิทยาลัยเซนต์จอห์น
  • อภิสรรค์ ภาชนะวรรณ มหาวิทยาลัยเซนต์จอห์น
  • มนูญ โต๊ะอาจ มหาวิทยาลัยเซนต์จอห์น


according to, Problems and guidelines for administration of guidance, the opinions of junior high school students


The purpose of this study was to study and and compare the differences between sex, age, educational background of Problems and guidelines for administration of guidance according to the opinions of junior high school students of Thammislam Tha-it school under the Office of Education, Nonthaburi province. The samples were student parents. Academic year 2020, 145 students. Randomly used Taro Yamane's formula, the statistics used for data analysis were Frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation T test and F test. The research findings were as follows:

  1. 1. The problem of guidance administration according to the opinions of parents of lower secondary students of Thammasalaam Tha-it School, under the Office of Nonthaburi Provincial Education. Overall and each item was at a moderate level.
  2. 2. Comparison of the problems of guidance administration according to opinions of parents of students classified by gender, educational background and occupation. Overall, there were no different opinions.

Teachers should organize home visits. to collect personal information of individual students. Teachers should organize counseling activities for parents and students to understand and jointly solve problems related to students. Schools should organize an orientation for students and parents so that students and parents know and understand the general condition of the school and the school should evaluate the service provision in various areas for comparative statistics. and continue to improve and develop the guidance service.


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