Management of child development centers in accordance with the national early childhood development center standards under the local administrative organization mueang district lopburi province


  • รติกาล ฟื้นฟูไพศาล วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม
  • สมกูล ถาวรกิจ วิทยาลัยเทคโนโลยีสยาม


Early childhood development is the foundation that affects the quality and performance of people throughout their lives. And it's the most worthwhile investment. That is, children, youth and healthy adults, who capable of fast learning, hardworking, and good citizenship will lead to success in the challenging society of the 21st century. They must be given all-round development opportunities in early childhood but the quality of early childhood children is still a critical weakness in Thailand. that need to be addressed urgently, this research aims for: 1) To study the management of child development centers according to the standards of the National Early Childhood Development Center. 2) To compare the management of child development centers according to the standards of the National Early Childhood Development Center, classified by status, age and education level. 3) To study the guidelines for the development of child development center management according to the National Early Childhood Development Center standards.

          This research is a quantitative and qualitative research. The sample group used in this research were 107, 45 heads of centers and 62 teachers working in child development centers under the local government organization, Muang District, Lopburi Province. Determine the sample size by opening a table of Krejcie & Morgan and doing a simple random sampling to determine the proportions for each child development center. An example of an interview using a specific random sample is the heads of the center consisted of 3 people, the research instrument was a questionnaire, item survey, the 5-level estimation scale which has a confidence value of 0.85 and the structured interview form. Also consist of a definite question, the statistics and used in data analysis were frequency distribution, percentage, mean, standard deviation, hypothesis testing by using t –test and F –test statistics. The results showed that 1) the overall management of child development centers according to the standards of the National Early Childhood Development Center under the local administrative organizations was carried out at a high level in all aspects. The aspect with the highest level of action with the highest mean was the teacher/caregiver providing care.

          Teacher/caregiver will be providing learning and play experiences for early childhood development. followed by the quality of the children. Early childhood. and the area with the highest level of action having the lowest mean was the management of child development centers. Early childhood 2) The results of comparison of the management of child development centers according to the standards of national early childhood development centers under local administrative organizations classified by age and educational level showed that the overall difference was not significant at the level. .05 3) Guidelines for the development of child development center management according to the standards of the National Early Childhood Development Center under the Local Administrative Organization, Muang District, Lopburi Province 1) should be systematically managed and managed according to the administrative structure of the Development Center of small children 2) A Plan to improve the quality of education by accepting policies from local government organizations. through the head of the Department of Education and in accordance with the early childhood curriculum 3) There should be a follow-up on the development evaluation results. Record after teaching and record monthly growth. In order to bring the results to improve and develop according to the child's potential. From this research, it is known that it can be used as information in formulating policies for the management of child development centers and should promote the management of early childhood development centers efficiently.


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