“Local Agriculture Identity” Public Policy Implementation Case study: Phet Rose Apple


  • Kulsakwao Laohasthit มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต
  • ปธาน สุวรรณมงคล มหาวิทยาลัยรังสิต


Public Policy, Local Agriculture Identity, Phet rose apple


This research aimed to 1) study the process of public policy implementation, case study: Phet rose apple, 2) study problems and obstacles in public policy implementation, case study: Phet rose apple, and 3) present guidelines of public participation in public policy implementation, case study: Phet rose apple. This qualitative research was done by documents studying and analysis, In-depth Interview, and focus group. The main informants were (1) government sector : Department of Intellectual Property officers, Provincial Commercial officers, Governor and Deputy Governor, (2) private sector : “Phet rose apple” community enterprise, and (3) public sector : “Phet Sai Rung rose apple” farmers in Muang District, Ban Lat District, Tha Yang District, Ban Laem District. Collected data were analyzed by an analytical descriptive.

          The findings revealed that process of public policy implementation, case study: Phet rose apple consisted of 1) transmitting policy to action that started from Taksin Shinnawat government enacted Geographical Indications (GI) act in 2003, then promoted OTOP products to be GI product to enhance products and community incomes.  There were 4 levels of transmitting policy to action; central government administration, regional government administration, local government administration, and the policy beneficiaries, 2) coordination among sectors that had 4 levels; central and regional government administration, sectors and implementors, sectors and policy beneficiaries, and different sectors, 3) supervision and follow-up that could be divided into 2 levels; ministry and department, and province.  There were problems and obstacles, in public policy implementation, case study: Phet rose apple, in laws and regulations, sector competencies, policy supporting, public participation, and belief, values behavior, social culture. Guidelines of public participation in public policy implementation, case study: Phet rose apple were 1) public sector cooperation in pushing government sector, governor, to set a meeting of the recent GI committees or accredit a new one in order to adjust the process of applying for using a GI Phet rose apple sticker, and to dispel problems and obstacles in public policy implementation, case study: Phet rose apple, 2) government sector promotion to farmers’ awareness in uses of Gi sticker.


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