Proposed guidelines for participation development of public and non-governmental organizations in the formulation of Thai education policy


  • ปิยะนาถ บุญมีพิพิธ -
  • อลงกต คชสาร มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏหมู่บ้านจอมบึง


Participation, Policy Making, Public, Private Sector Organizations


The objectives of this research were to 1) Synthesize the current engagement practices for educational policy formulation in Thailand 2) Construct a participation model of public and non-governmental organizations in the formulation of Thai educational policy and 3) Confirm a participation model of public and non-governmental organizations in the formulation of Thai educational policy. This research applied mixed methods research. The sampling size (Respondents) are educational persons of 425 Informants, representing 85% from educational agencies across the country. The research instrument used a questionnaire with a 5-rating scale, and the results of validity between 0.6 – 1.0 and Cronbach’s Alpha shown reliability at 0.994. The statistics were mean, percentage, standard deviation, skewness, kurtosis and factor analysis; Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA).

The research findings found

1) A current practice in formulating an educational policy were 1.1) Drafting an educational policy from government officials in various ministries, Departments, and Bureau units that depends on the political system, which drafting in a short time period. It created and prepared by forming a “working group” which assigned by the government and representatives of government agencies as key informants to provide inputs for instance problems and need in order to prepare a draft policy 1.2) Policy approval that applied a Cabinet resolution as a mechanism to mutually make a decision on policy drafting. 1.3) Policy driven, this process will be appointed a committee of policy advocacy 1.4) Policy Implementation, it applied a mechanism as an issue a legislation that allows all agencies to participation and practice in policy engagement both national and provincial level and educational institution

2.The participation model of public and non-governmental organizations in the formulation of Thai educational policy were analyzed by the factor analysis i.e., (EFA) constructed results of 5 factors were: 1) Participation in addressing the need and analysis 2) Participation in academic and research 3) Participation in perceptive agree 4) Participation in policy compliance 5) Participation in policy advocacy. They had factor loading between 0.630-0.727, eigenvalues=66.284, percentage of variance=39.319, the cumulative % Variance= 51.792 3) CFA concluded the participation model were examined by relative Chi-Square=1.239, df=52, it had a statistic significant at 0.115. The hypothetical model was consistency with the empirical data (ß=0)at the 0.05-statistically significant level. Concordance indexes found GFI=0.982, AGFI=0.952, TLI= 0.992, NFI=0.982, CFI=0.997, greater than 0.95. Estimation error indexes: SRMR=0.0342, RMR=0.038, RMESA=0.024, are less than 0.05.


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