The development of virtual museum for ratchaburi national museum


  • กฤษชัย ตันหลงขจร มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร
  • น้ำมนต์ เรืองฤทธิ์ มหาวิทยาลัยศิลปากร


development, Virtual Museum, Learning, National Museum Ratchaburi


Objectives of the research 1) To develop a virtual museum for learning. Ratchaburi National Museum 2) to study the opinions of visitors to the virtual museum for learning Ratchaburi National Museum. Samples used in the research. 30 people came to see the Ratchaburi National Museum by volunteers (Volunteer Sampling). Research instruments 1) Interview form of the museum staff. and experts in the design of virtual media; 2) a virtual museum for learning Ratchaburi National Museum 3) Questionnaire on the opinions of visitors towards virtual museum media for learning. Ratchaburi National Museum.

          The research finding were as follow:

          1) Results of development and quality assessment Virtual Museum for Learning The content aspect of the National Museum, Ratchaburi, had a mean of 4.33 and the standard deviation of S.D. was 0.22, which meant that the media was of good quality. The media quality assessment item with the highest average was The content is useful to learners with an average value of 4.67 with very good quality. and content quality assessment items The lowest mean is The content can satisfy the difference between having an average of 4.00 with good quality.

          2) The results of the study of visitors' opinions on virtual media design media for learning about the system Virtual Museum for Learning The overall average was 4.40 and the S.D. standard deviation was 0.13. Virtual Museum for Learning Ratchaburi National Museum agrees to a good extent. The evaluation item with the highest average score was Knowing more about the culture and way of life of people in Ratchaburi province has an average value of 4.50 and the standard deviation of S.D. is 0.51, meaning the level of the opinions of the visitors is very good. and the media quality assessment item with the lowest mean was beautiful graphics, good meaning, with an average value of 4.27, with good quality.


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