Administration Guidelines for The Early Childhood Development Centers Under Nakhonsawan Municipality


  • Matinee Kaewsarapatnuek มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครสวรรค์
  • ปพนสรรค์ โพธิพิทักษ์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครสวรรค์
  • สายทิตย์ ยะฟู มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏนครสวรรค์


Administration, The Early Childhood Development Center


The objectives of this research were to study the problems of administration and to propose it’s guidelines in early childhood development centers under Nakhonsawan municipality. The participants were 12 heads of the centers who were responsible for administrative in the centers. One participant was selected from each the center. The data was collected by interviews with the Index of Item Objective Congruence of 1.00 and group discussion form. And analyzed through content analysis.

          The results showed that the administration problems of the early childhood development centers found that the administration of the centers. Heads of the centers, most of them still lacked of understanding in systematic management, such as developing a plan for the management, developing an educational curriculum, data management and the centers have limited space. Teacher and caregiver who provides care, learning and play experiences for children. They were still lack of supporting in media and technology, some children did not dare to express themselves and show impolitic behavior. And the quality of the early childhood, some children had been developmental and cognitive delays.

          According to a group discussion among the experts in the administration of the early childhood development center, it was found that most of the centers. There were similar problems and guidelines. The concepts of heads of the centers in the 12 research target groups and the education bureau can implement follow the guidelines depending on the context and the availability of the centers. They should be meeting required to find solutions for resources and receive various budget support from the education bureau.


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Academic Article